Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i used to dread anything that requires long distances. like going over to jurong to collect something or even going to suntec for work last time.

last year when my work place was at loyang and even though i had a free ride to work every morning (kudos to the aunt), i still freaking dreaded it.

even though my jc was just two bus stops away from house, going on time still takes alot of effort from me! hence, i only actually do well at home. i'm not anti-social, neither am i lazy. i'm just a home-person.

anyway, i have this friend, WHO IS HAVING A LONG DISTANCE R/S.

whats unique about this is that, they've never met in person before. many will instantly take this to be a joke and doubt its gonna last. but when you actually read between the lines, whats important is how connected they feel, beyond their distances apart.

right? they've even made plans to meet up in 2yrs and actually see if it'd work. imagine seeing each other and getting used to habits only made known when you actually get to experience it. not forgetting the little intimacy and physical connection!! and i believe thats not the only think they'll hafta get used to. (HAHA you know what i mean).

impressive. i have an open-minded take on this.

the best part, the fella is french! HA.

i'm so going along with my friend to meet the frenchie. i just hope he'll take me with him, i'll make a very good moral support and i'll promise not to intrude on anything!

love surpasses all distances, yeah? i admire the fact that they were willing to do the necessary sacrifices despite all the major risks involved. (eg. what if its just a prank.)

i dont think its dubious though. at least this r/s their investing in seems more real than the r/s i see here around me. like so what if you've not met the fella, there's always photo sending and other advances in technology to help ease the gap.

good luck with that buddy. i still DONT MIND talking to frenchie on your behalf when youre away in camp. hahaha. (: (: (:


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